
Have your health. 

If you're seeking solutions for your health, you're in the right place. Aaro is a combination of Holistic Health Testing and Whole Medicine Therapies for people to heal and enhance their health. 

Treating the root cause.

Founder Dr. Mackenzie Hall, DACM, L.Ac., MIM, is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, licensed Acupuncturist, and practitioner of Intuition Medicine ® specializing in preventative medicine and chronic illnesses. Aaro was born through the aspiration to provide a thorough and affordable approach to health testing and healing in the wake of faltering health care systems and the rise of degenerative diseases globally. She offers natural, targeted ways to optimize health while taking into account the essential roles of the nervous system, gut, and mind in the healing process.


  • Consultation & Diagnostics

  • Mind~Body

  • Acupuncture & Immersion

Precision is Key in Medicine.

  • High quality diagnostics support targeted medicine unique to the individual. All of the following are available to patients: Gut Health Testing (GI comprehensive stool panel), Nutritional Testing (Metabolism, antioxidants, B-vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids), Hormonal Health Testing (sleep hormones, sex hormones & adrenals), Food Allergy Testing (IGE & IGG), and Genomic Testing (gene function/dysfunction, SNPs).

  • Nutritional, supplemental, detoxification, and herbal therapies are informed by real diagnostic data and prescribed with careful understanding of each patient’s unique situation. We create a comprehensive plan for recovery, taking into consideration ancestry, constitution, labwork, pulses, and life circumstance.

  • Aaro’s approach draws heavily from Classical Chinese Medicine Theory (in addition to TCM), which offers a more nuanced understanding of disease. It is especially effective for treating chronic, latent, and recurring illness.

  • Patients are supported with the underlying psycho-emotional challenges that often accompany pain and illness. Healing is inseparable from the relationship with mind!

  • For me, it is rare to feel like a practitioner or healer truly understands what is going on with me, but I feel that from Mackenzie. My health issues are quite complex and rather than just feeling like I was experiencing slight improvements, I could feel real, true, deep healing occurring. You are lucky if you are one who gets to experience healing with Mackenzie.

    Lauren S.

  • Mackenzie was the missing piece for me. I had what seemed like mysterious symptoms on/off for years and while I had made progress through some other routes, it always felt like I was still struggling to hold it all together. It is so rare to find someone interested and informed in both Western and Eastern data points and thinking. She is well versed in both and I felt like she saw me and all my symptoms as a whole and thus was able to give advice that healed me as a whole. Though many will happily chat about how important the gut and microbiome is, I believe Mackenzie has actually developed deep instincts for how to bring the system back to health. After working with her for a few months, I woke up for the first time in years feeling normal again.

    Felicia E.

  • For four years I have suffered from gut issues (chronic constipation and a disrupted microbiome) that have been debilitating. I tried one more avenue to healing, Dr. Mackenzie Hall. Finally, I received real help. My gut issues have improved to the point that almost all days, I feel great. And I continue improving. Basically, I have my life back. What a gift.

    Bea H.

  • I have worked with Dr. Mackenzie in San Francisco for acupuncture for a few years and now remotely for energy healing. She has an incredible gift of healing and compassion for her clients. I recommend her wholeheartedly as I have experienced her talents in helping me, firsthand.

    Jean H.

  • Mackenzie is so much more than an Acupuncturist and Doctor of Chinese Medicine. I have been a patient of Chinese Medicine off and on for about 15 years and the session I had with Mackenzie was next level. She seemed to be clairvoyant...really listening to and perceiving all the signs and signals from my body and psyche...the things she knew and discovered about me were validating hunches and feelings I've had for years. She seemed to know things immediately that provided so much clarity as I move into my next level of healing, integration, and planning for how I want to live the next decade of my life.


  • Mackenzie is a graceful powerhouse. She helped me out of acute back spasm and ushered in my much needed deep healing. Her work is intuitive and quite astonishing.

    MATT C.

  • Mackenzie is a gifted and intuitive guide in the healing arts. Her awareness is expansive allowing for dynamic and subtle treatments. Her work empowers the body to tap into its own innate ability to restore balance and health. And, of equal importance, her understanding of complex chronic conditions and emphatic nature makes her a compassionate ally for her patients.

    ERIN B.

  • When I got on Mackenzie’s table, she starting using moxa on my low back, and explaining what she was doing, slowing putting in needles to allow my energy to flow more freely where it had been stagnant — particularly around my back where I had an injury. Once she placed all the needles and left me, I started feeling waves of deep relaxation and even joy. I was riding that perfect line between wake and sleep and felt so, so incredible! She knew just what to do and explained as much as I could ask for.

    PETER W.

  • Receiving any diagnostic, treatment or consultative guidance from Dr. Hall is immediately Quantum in its effects: obstacles that have plagued the soul for decades suddenly dissolve, and mysteries of the deep cellular memory begin to reveal their clarity and truths, like keys unlocking the body’s inner vaults. Suddenly, my vision for what is possible for the Cosmic Body and Human Body begin to transform in the Presence and Precision of Dr. Hall’s applied mastery whose depth of cultivation is what allows the body to feel safe to release. The impact is simple: My mind can rest and the body is offered the essential wisdom to heal itself. I am beyond Grateful to Dr. Hall for how her work has altered the course of my life, and thus the Whole.


Have your health, today.